Description: Saki, a high school senior girl, decides to work as a babysitter/tutor for the neighbor children while their parents are absent. Little did she know what lies ahead of her as she walks into the house of three lust-filled and curious junior high school boys. A tale of unusual sexual debauchery and...
Description: Aki-Sora revolves around Aki Aoi and Sora Aoi, a pair of close siblings who have shared an intimate bond since childhood. During their coming of age, they each come to realize the true depth of the love they feel for each other and consummate that love in secret. They keep their younger sister, N...
Description: Motoki is a high school boy with problems. His older sister Megumi is constantly having loud sex with her lesbian lover Eika. Eika is bisexual and likes to tease Motoki, sometimes even seducing him so she can have heterosexual sex. Of course this annoys Megumi to no end as she fears losing her ...
OVA based on a yaoi game - Guys is an average boy who finds himself accused of murder. Found guilty through a fixed trial, he must endure a sexually charged prison to attempt to find a way to prove his innocence and get out.
Description: Yuichi feels lost and alone - until two seductive women offer him comfort! He can't choose between these lovely ladies, and they wouldn't want him to. In fact, they want nothing more than to teach Yuichi to be the master of his own destiny... and theirs!
Description: It is a loved honorable young lady to dress cute clothes to the daughter of a cute honourable man.! Lovely clothes are dressed to light today, The number of lovely video image collections of collections is increased.! To the housemaid clothes of “Furi-Furi", School swimsuit... The...
Genre(s): Censored, Large Breasts, Nudity, Sex, Shotacon, Traps
Munakata Mira is in love with his father Munakata Kyousuke, a famous Hollywood actor. Unknown to the public, both of them are father and son as well as lovers. When Mira turns 15 and enters high-school, he faces trouble with his childhood friend falling i...
Genre(s): Censored, Yaoi, Comedy, Coming of Age, Daily Life, Harem, High School, Idol, Incest, Love Polygon, Nudity, Romance, School Life, Sex, Shotacon, Shounen Ai, Slapstick, Super Deformed, Twisted
Description: Lust and adventure lurk in a secret garden of delights. One man will penetrate its depths-will its jealous inhabitants ensare him forever?
Genre(s): Uncensored, English Dubbed, Erotic Game, Nudity, Sex, Shotacon
I became a teacher to be like a passionate teacher in TV dramas, and I worked hard for the school. However, the principal who understood my way of teaching became sick, and hospitalized. Then, the vice-principal, Migiwa Anzu, took over the job. However...
Description: Yuji just got himself a new board game and he can’t wait to play. What Yuji doesn’t know is that the game possesses secret powers - sexual powers, to be precise. He and his stepmother decide to give it a try. The game requires drawing cards from a deck that have sexual instructions on them. T...
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