Description: In a world where demons lurk behind every shadow, ready to ravage any woman who crosses their path, murder and bloodshed are a way of life. A team of feisty female fighters known as the Crimson Lotus is humanity's last hope for survival. When tragedy strikes and one of their members is slaughtere...
Genre(s): Uncensored, Action, Comedy, Dark Fantasy, Demons, Erotic Game, Fantasy, Nudity, Samurai, Special Squads, Swordplay, Violence
Description: It is the end of the Shogunate period in Japan, and the Shinobi are struggling to survive by working underground as contract assassins. One of these female Shinobi assassins is Karyuu. To complete her deadly missions, she takes full advantage of her excellent fighting techniques as well as her ...
Description: The winds of revolution howl through Kyoto as the Tokugawa era comes to a violent close.
Will Kaede, Kikyoo, and Ayame follow the ninja code of honor and face their vicious destiny, or escape to another world? Will their love for each other and the men they are destined to betray eff...
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