Genre(s): Anime, Nudity, Violence, Predominantly Female Cast, Stereotypes, Comedy, Parody, Slapstick, Violent Retribution for Accidental Infringement, Super Deformed, Ecchi, Breast Fondling, Gainax Bounce, Lingerie, Pantsu, Skirt Flipping, Gender Bender, Harem, Henshin, Romance, Engaged to an Alien, Love Polygon, Speculative Fiction, Alien, Aliens Living on Earth, Humanoid Alien, Super Power, Breasts, Large Breasts, Small Breasts, Tentacle, Naked Apron, Swimsuit, Beach Visit, Christmas, Confession, Pussy in your Face, Manga, Shounen, Body and Host, Body Exchange, Body Sharing, Coming of Age, Cooking, Daily Life, Family Life, Parental Abandonment, School Life, High School, Music, Idol, Performance
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