Genre(s): Anime, Nudity, Sex, Violence, Action, Comedy, Facial Distortion, Funny Expressions, Medium Awareness, Parody, Satire, Slapstick, Bad Cooking, Horny Nosebleed, Violent Retribution for Accidental Infringement, Super Deformed, Ecchi, Breast Fondling, Gainax Bounce, Pantsu, Sudden Naked Girl Appearance, Wardrobe Malfunction, Harem, Pornography, BDSM, Bondage, Shibari, Romance, Shoujo Ai, Sudden Girlfriend Appearance, Unrequited Love, Sexual Abuse, Social Commentary, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary Fantasy, Mermaid, Undead, Zombie, Tropes, Under One Roof, Visible Aura, Breasts, Gigantic Breasts, Large Breasts, Small Breasts, Foot Fetish, Juujin, Maid, Manga, Seinen, Cooking, Crime, Hostage Situation, Terrorism, Daily Life, Drastic Change of Life, Family Life, Parental Abandonment, Friendship, Jealousy, Law and Order, Special Squads, Mythology, Greek Mythology, Racism, Rivalry
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