Genre(s): Anime, Nudity, Violence, Gore, Stereotypes, Strong Male Lead, Action, Collateral Damage, Swordplay, Angst, Comedy, Slapstick, Tournament, Ecchi, Breast Fondling, Gainax Bounce, Lingerie, Paper Clothes, Sexual Fantasies, Skimpy Clothing, Harem, Henshin, Master-Servant Relationship, Pornography, Everybody Has Sex, Orgy, Romance, Speculative Fiction, Fantasy, Demon, Succubus, Magic, Magic Circles, Spellcasting, Science and Magic Coexist, Super Power, Tropes, Defeat Means Friendship, Under One Roof, Visible Aura, Breasts, Large Breasts, Novel, Shounen, End of the World, Family Life, Parental Abandonment
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