Publish date: Jul 16th, 2021
Views: 3,736
The hentai porn series that is in review today is an OVA type of series. It was produced by Milky Animation Label.
This hentai porn series is quite old. It premiered back in March 21, 2001 and it ended on June 21, 2001. There are only two episodes but each episode runs for 30 minutes long.
The hentai porn series is titled Jinshin Yuugi or in english it translates to Love Lessons. Today, we review bit by bit on why this hentai porn series is worth the watch despite it being an oldie.
This is an uncensored hentai porn series. The story revolves around men who get whatever they want as long as they pay the price. And then there is this trainer and he trains any women into whoever you want them to be. They will satisfy all the sexual fantasies you could ever dream of. A lot of women are lining up to see this trainer because they want to be their man’s main desire. In this training center, you can find anyone from naughty, nice, playful, passionate. Anything you want you can find right here.
Episode 1 starts off in the streets of the city at night. Someone was getting beaten up. This someone owes someone a whole lot of money. He was being threatened that if he does not pay up now, he will start paying with his body. He was brought back to that man’s office but then someone recognized him as Hiroshi and he was saved. He was being driven back to the city and he was being offered to join some sort of job investment. This job is where the ladies are being trained to be every man’s desire. He tells Hiroshi that they make sure these ladies that are trained under them get to do a whole lot of different pleasures and satisfy different kinks for these men who join their club. He wants Hiroshi to be a trainer. He gets to start his job right away. He gives her a woman and they go stop to meet her. The woman’s name is Sakura Matsunai. Sakura Matsunai is the boss of this so called gentleman’s club. She is the real deal. The two get in a carousel and Sakura tells him all about the job needed from him. She tells him his first assignment but she hands him some money so he could buy some clothes that will make him look dapper. The scene cuts to Hiroshi in the pier, he is dressed in a nice green tux. And then in walks in Sakura in her hot red swimsuit, she was there to present to Hiroshi the different clients they have. This will give him an overview of how he should be training the girls in order to satisfy these different customers who have different kinks or sexual problems such as erectile dysfunctions.
After being told about all the VIP customers they have, he is brought to his room and he was given a tablet with all the girl’s information now for his knowledge. After a while, a girl named Sana was brought to his room. They two have a nice dinner together first. Sana was very shy and she seemed very scared about what was about to happen. And then she reveals that she did not know all of the details and that made her drink her wine. After dinner, Hiroshi says they should start the training but then Sana wanted out. She tries to escape but then Hiroshi stops her. All the while, Sakura was watching in her room because there are some hidden camera’s in his room. Hiroshi had a hard time getting his hands on Sana but eventually he did. He takes off her bra and he starts off massaging and kissing her breasts. To convince Sana more, he reminds her why she is here and why she needs her money. He eats her out afterward. He kisses her and then he starts to finger it so that she can ease up a bit. When she was ready, he puts his cock inside of her and she starts fucking her. Sakura was very impressed with what she was watching.
When Hiroshi was done with Sana. He was contemplating at how he was sure that she was going to be a hot commodity soon. And then Sakura knocks on his door and wants to come in. She asks about the training and his experience. After that, she suddenly became all seductive and was telling him all about sex play and then she offers if he wants to have some sex play with her!! First, she takes off her underwear and her bra and then she presses her naked body against his. They start doing the deed. He goes and sucks on her nipples before he eats her out. Not only does he eat her pussy, he eats her asshole too. She loves this. Right when she was hot and wet, he slips his hard cock inside her asshole and they anal fuck. They fuck and fuck until satisfaction.
Episode 2 starts off in some sort of bondage room and there is a girl naked and tied up to a chair. Sari is the name of the girl tied up. She was being watched by Sakura and Hiroshi. They were talking about what she is like and how she can be better for their clients. Hiroshi then comes in and starts to touch and play with her. Afterward, he starts to lick her feet all the way to her thighs, right when he gets to her pussy she stands up in shock and he gets toppled over. And then it cuts to Sakura, making promises that girls for clients will be ready in two weeks.
The scene then cuts to the girls who are being trained all eating out together. One of the girls get drunk and then all of a sudden some man volunteered to bring her home but he brings her to a motel instead. But instead of getting raped, she was getting charged for being a prostitute! Before that scene continues, it cuts to Hiroshi eating Sana out. Right when they were done, the phone rings and it is Natsuki – or the drunk girl calling her in panic that she is being detained. Hiroshi decides to get her out instead. He brings her back to their quarters and gives her a nice room. She was left with lots of food and to rest. The next morning Sakura gets Natsuki and tells her they can go see Sana but then Sana and Hiroshi was in between some training. Sakura showed Natsuki this through her hidden camera TV. She then sales talked Natsuki into being one of their girls. After that the scene cuts to Sakura giving Hiroshi his first payment because he did well with one of the girls that the client loved very much. But his work is far from over, now he has to train Natsuki. He trains her well and then all of a sudden maybe it was time to train Natsuki and Sana together. And then the episode ends with a “to be continued” but the series was never to be continued again.
We like the story of this hentai porn series. In fact, we like how it builds up a lot on the background of the main character which is Hiroshi. We like that he was in debt and there was this whole ploy to get him to become a sex trainer. There is a great story there. There is depth to this hentai porn series and it is just not all about sex. Or well it is, because the story does revolve around sex! Lol. But what we are saying is since that aspect is tied up to the story, then we like how they put a lot of thought on how the story will go and evolve. We like the fact also that they took time to introduce each and every character. They even introduce the clients and the girls involved in this sexual club. They put time in building the story and stitching it up. Overall, we also like the sex scenes or the sex trainings too! They are great and definitely fap worthy.
For the animation, well since this hentai porn series is old the animation style is old too. But then it does not mean it is bad, it was just when it was done. There is still fluidity in the movement of the animation and such. They made sure that all the details of the body parts and characters are there and more than that, the details of their setting or environment are there too. The positions of the characters when they are seated or when they are leaning are all animated perfectly they do not look awkward, they look great. The color grading is just a bit bland and the treatment is not as sharp as we are used to with modern hentai porn series but overall it is not a sore to watch. It is still great, actually!
For voice acting, this hentai porn series is great. I mean, I don’t think there is a lot of hentai porn series that have bad voice acting and sound effects. Maybe, some have too much exaggeration but definitely not this hentai porn series. This hentai porn series has a more serious tone to its acting and the whole vibe of the series actually and it is also very mature and sounding smart. And you will get what we mean when you watch this.
Overall, the hentai porn series even if it is old it is a really great one. And definitely should be one of the hentai porn series’ you should be watching. Everything from the story to the voice acting is interesting and will have you wanting more. Too bad the series only has two episodes and definitely not gonna have anything more since it ended back in 2002. But yes, this hentai porn series is worth the watch and very fap-worthy too!
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